ICS Triplex T8314
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歡迎詢價/采購: (歐陽英)
ITCC。高速旋轉(zhuǎn)設(shè)備的控制,如汽輪機(jī)組控制,空壓機(jī)控制,高爐鼓風(fēng)機(jī)控制。甚至渦輪發(fā)動機(jī)控制,燃?xì)廨啓C(jī)控制是另外的概念。例如Triconex的控制器,除了能做 ESD,F(xiàn)&GS 外,還能做 ITCC。 做ESD,F(xiàn)&GS 等 SIS概念下的系統(tǒng),是要認(rèn)證的,是必須有TUV的SIL等級證書的。 而做ITCC的,則不是必需要,TUV的認(rèn)證。 同一家的同一個東西,用在不同的場合,有不同的用途,所以有不同的叫法。 同樣的道理,你的銀子極其的多,你可以用 Triconex的系統(tǒng)來做PLC,或者小DCS 來用。 這時候,你還可以管 triconex 叫PLC,或者DCS,,,都可以的。 CCC是做 ITCC,不做ESD; 橫河,Emerson的安全系統(tǒng)則基本上只做ESD,F(xiàn)&GS,不做ITCC。 Triconex是即做ESD,又做ITCC。 SIS safety instrument system 安全儀表控制系統(tǒng) ESD Emergency shutdown 在石化一般叫ESD。在高壓管線上叫HIPPS,在鍋爐上叫FSSS,在汽機(jī)上叫ETS。
Xiamen Zhong Xinhang automation equipment Co., Ltd.
: (備注“歐陽英"收)
LiquiVision DistaView Liquid level Control, Version 1.7, USED, WARRANTY
Toshiba 3HP Tosvert-130G2+ Transistor Inverter, VT130G2+4035, VF3B-0101B, Used
Toshiba 130G2+ Transistor Inverter, VT130G204035, VT3B-2114A, USED
Daykin Transformer Model # DIFP-0707, USED, WARRANTY
NEW Nemic Lambda, LRS-51-24, Power Supply, NIB, WARRANTY
Dongan Industrial Transformer, 83-2-1336CC, USED, WARRANTY
Bridgeport Power Supply Boss CNC 4, 5 or 6, # A025275, Used, WARRANTY
New Pepperl+Fuchs Proximity Switch, NJ3-25-US-BHM, Y24822S, Warranty
Bridgeport Boss Control Board, P/N 1928112, S/N 338, Used, WARRANTY
Bridgeport Boss Control Board, P/N A028110, S/N 2, Used, WARRANTY
Aydin Display Operator Panel, Mod# VFP15P2, USED, WARRANTY
NEW Nemic Lambda Power Supply, # RS-10-24, 24 V Output, 2.1 A, WARRANTY
Rite-Hite Dok-Lok Vehicle Restraint Control Box, 18333, Red Lens Missing
Keyence Laser Sensor Analog, IA-1000, USED, WARRANTY
Keyence Laser Sensor Display Amplifier, LV-51M, USED WARRANTY
Landis Circuit Board, # A-86561, USED, WARRANTY
Digital Equipment PC Board K201, K201A, Dual 1KHZ Flipflop, USED, WARRANTY
Mazak Mitsubishi PC Board, BN624A246H02, FX27B, Rev. G, USED, WARRANTY
Sick Light Curtain Sender, # MGSS60-12 * * * USED * * * WARRANTY * * *
Saftronics Power Supply Board, # AA1124, IR-BRDC, Used, Warranty
Bayer Industries CNC Circuit Board, PCB 117-131, USED, WARRANTY
Omron CJ1W-PD022, 24VDC, Power Supply Unit ,35 W, Used, WARRANTY
Wera EMG Recotec Power Supply Module, # DGS6024-5/15A, WARRANTY
Danfoss Variable Speed Drive, Type VLT 3002, 175H1732, Used, WARRANTY
Sansei 12V Manual Pulse Generator, # HD51, OGM-0025-2F, USED, WARRANTY
Ziatech ZT 89CT90 PC Board, Rev A.2 ARCNET, Used, Warranty
Okuma Sanyo AVR Unit, # E-0451-292-024, Used, WARRANTY
Acopian Regulated Power Supply, B8G200, Used, WARRANTY
NEW Rittal Steel Pendant Enclosure, 15" x 15" x 8.3", WARRANTY
Robotron Weld Controller Back Plane Rack, P/N 419-0-0444-01, Used, Warranty
Riese RS-NAGV Safety Relay, AR.9640.2000, 24 VAC, USED, WARRANTY
Texas Instruments ASCII Message Output Module, 500-5022, USED * * AS-IS * *
NEW Keyence Proximity Sensor, SH-110, NIB, WARRANTY
NEW Omron Photoelectric Switch, # E3S-DS30E42, NIB, WARRANTY
Dolan Jenner Safescan 9B Transmitter Receiver Safety Light Curtain Bar Set 36"
Scientific Columbus Exceltronic Volt Transducer, # VT110A2-1-12, Used, WARRANTY
Hitachi Bubble Memory Cassette, BKL-1132, Used, WARRANTY
Newport Digital Frequency Meter, # P6031A, Used, WARRANTY
Acme Electric SPW 24-7.2 Power Supply, Used, WARRANTY
Hoffman Electrical Enclosure Cabinet, A-48AB3810LP, 48"x37-1/2"x10" D Used
Uson Disk Drive Module, 1.44m, 412-X300, Used, WARRANTY
Mitsubishi 50 Amp, No-Fuse Breaker, NV50-SWU, USED, WARRANTY
ATAM Systems PC Board w/ Transisent Supressor, # 52848, USED, WARRANTY
Mae Spa Offenngo Stepper Motor HY200 3437 0660 AK04, P/N F.U166, Used
Ametek Stepper Motor HN200 3438 0660 AK04, P/N F.U205, Used
Fanuc / Muratec PC Board, # Z90-30738-50, RYBD-16, Used, WARRANTY
Horiba Analyzer Control Module, # OPE-115, WARRANTY
Uson Dual Hi Transducer Converter Module, # 432A301B, WARRANTY
Electronic Controls Inc., T-Bar, Power Relay, 90124C24, Warranty
NEW Photoelectric Digital Laser Sensor, LV-22, NIB, WARRANTY (2)
Electronic Product Failure Signal System, SM 48-110V, USED, WARRANTY
NEW Photoelectric Sensor Head , CV-H32, NIB, WARRANTY
Semikron Semipack 3 Thyristor Diode Module, SKKT 250/12E, WARRANTY
New Pepperl+Fuchs Proximity Switch Inductive, NJ2-F-E2-1025-V1, Warranty
Intermatic Industrial Transient Voltage Surge Suppressor, IG4803YEH, WARRANTY
NEW Lumberg Automation Distribution Box, 5 m Cable, ASB 6/LED 5/4-13, WARRANTY
NEW Robotron 917-0101 SCR Firing Module 58-966-0009, WARRANTY
Sodick FS-A5C CNC EDM PC Board, Mark VII Controller, RLD-002C, Used
NEW Carlo Gavazzi Semiconductor Contactor, # RN2A23A50, Used, WARRANTY
Dynapath S10 Servo Output I/F-4 Axes Board, # 4200479, Used, WARRANTY
Yaskawa 3 KVA Transformer, # 6425457, 3 Ph., Used, WARRANTY
NEW OLD STOCK Omron Saftey Relay, G9SA-301, NIB, WARRANTY
Sanyo Denki Tape Reader Unit, # 2302D, Used, WARRANTY
Comtrol 3000177, Serial Hub, Rocketport, 2 Port, Used, WARRANTY
Turck Multi Modul Relay, MK72-S02-Ex/24VDC, WARRANTY
Okuma Gomi Choke Coil Transformer, # E-2530-254-020, USED, WARRANTY
NEW IN BOX Keyence PJ-V22 Light Curtains, NIB, WARRANTY
K & T / Gemini D RS232 / RS422 Converter Assy Board, # 1-2068203, WARRANTY
Nemic Lambda Power Supply,VES-10-24, DC2.1A, Used, Warranty
Mazak CNC PC Board, 03-81581-02, Used, WARRANTY
Uson 403-X300J, I/O Module, Used, WARRANTY
Nemic Lambda Power Supply, # EC-10-5V, Used, Warranty
Mclean XR-2016 small heat exchanger, 115 V, Used, Warranty
Shibaura Circuit Board Rack, # MCS-604459, Used , WARRANTY
NEW OLD STOCK Keyence Laser Sensor Head, SL-V1UB, NIB, WARRANTY
Zeiss Coordinate Measuring Machine Board, # 623130-0085, WARRANTY
Termiflex Control / Display Unit, 133805, 133806, SCHEM C2412, USED, WARRANTY
Sti MiniSafe Light Curtain, MS4312BR, 42672-0120, Series MS4300, Used, WARRANTY
IFM Efector Output Module, AC5213, 4DO-Y T IP67, Used, Warranty
NEW Yamatake Photoelectric Switch HPA-R11, WARRANTY
NEW Keyence Gauge Laser Sensor Amplifier, GT-71A, NIB, WARRANTY
NEW Photoelectric Digital Laser Sensor, LV-11SA, NIB, WARRANTY
A.O. Smith Century E-Plus Three Phase Motor, H581, 7-151350-03, USED, WARRANTY
Miller Edge Captive Relay Controller FSC-37, Used, WARRANTY
Hoffman Electrical Enclosure, Type 12 & 13, 25 Holes, 14"x13"x5" Used, WARRANTY
NEW Omron Proximity Switch, # TL-N10MY2, 2m, 90-250 VAC, NIB, WARRANTY
Tocco Extender Circuit Board, # D-79354, Used, WARRANTY
Toshiba 0.2 KW World Power Series Induction Motor, # IK, 230 VAC, WARRANTY
Omron Power Supply S82F-1224P, USED, WARRANTY
Toshiba 130G2+ Transistor Inverter, VT130G2+4035, VT3B-2114A, AS-IS
Toshiba 130G2+ Transistor Inverter, VT130G2+4035, VT3B-0101B, AS-IS
Phillips Power Supply, # PE 1230/00, 110-240 V, Used, WARRANTY
CKS Valenite Gaging Systems Keyboard Unit, A498-001, Used, WARRANTY
Indocomp Systems Inc. Industrial PCU Board #- IND-C370 V 2.0, Warranty
Balluff Electronic ID System, BIS C-650 & BIS C-600-007, Used, WARRANTY
Balluff Electronic ID System, BIS C-650 & BIS C-600-007, Used, SW-Version 2.8
SMB 2139-8 Display Monitor LED Board, 1094-1, USED, WARRANTY
Starrag-Rigid CNC Control Circuit Board, # 1912374AN, Used , WARRANTY
Starrag-Rigid CNC Control Circuit Board, # 1798404SS, Used , WARRANTY
Starrag-Rigid CNC Control Circuit Board, # 173029aPV, Used , WARRANTY
Starrag-Rigid CNC Control Circuit Board, # 1956554DG, Used , WARRANTY
Starrag-Rigid CNC Control Circuit Board, # 1942364AR, Used , WARRANTY
Starrag-Rigid CNC Control Circuit Board, # 1912354AF, Used , WARRANTY
DGD Gardner Denver PC Board Module, BST400 1.0, S112129, Used, WARRANTY
NEW Wiremold 2" Furniture Feed Stem Assembly, Cat# RC9AM2TCAL, Aluminum, NIB
Stu Phillips PC Board, # K303, Used, WARRANTY
Hoffman Electrical Enclosure Cabinet, A-42AB3210LP, 42"x31-1/2"x10" D Used
New Efector 500, PB5023, Pressure Sensor, WARRANTY
VideoJet Keyboard Plate, Operator Interface, 355315, Rev GA, Used, * * AS IS * *
Robicon PC Circuit Board, # 461544.01, (READ DESCRIPTION) Used, WARRANTY
New Humphrey Kalamazoo Air Valve Mini-Myte, M41E1, 120V, Warranty
Toledo Transducers TQM 700 Quality Monitor, TQM701A, Used, WARRANTY
Keyence Pressure Sensor Transducer, Mod# AP-81A, USED, WARRANTY
Hurco / Autocon Connector Board, 415-0609-901, Used, WARRANTY
Gems Sensors & Controls Pressure Transducer, # 6700BGG15B0GG000B, Used, WARRANTY
Keyence Pressure Switch, # AP-13, Used, WARRANTY
Sundstrand PC Board, 6AXDAC-G1, USED, WARRANTY
Generic 2 Axis Encoder Cable Board, ECB-G1, Used, WARRANTY
Modicon High Speed Counter Module, 140-ECH-105-00, USED * * AS-IS * *
WTC / Welding Technology Corp. Weld Control, # 902-0049, USED, WARRANTY
Mitsubishi Mazak Operator Panel Board, KS-MB401A, 12KH313A, USED, WARRANTY
NEW Nalgene 280 PUR-Ester Tubing, 8540-2675, 1ID x 1-1/4OD x 1/8Wall
NEW Superthane Ester Tubing, 2002539-100, 1ID x 1-1/4OD x 1/8Wall, Approx 100' L
NEW Stahl Intrinspak Safety Barrier Relay, 9001/01-252-100-14, NEW IN PACKAGE
Deemstop Monitoring Module Unit, MM/LT/5207-5, Used, WARRANTY
Digital Equipment Transceiver, Model # H3105-A, USED, WARRANTY
New azbil Yamatake Photoelectric Sensor, # HP100-P2L-L05, Warranty
NEW OLD STOCK Omron Photoelectric Switch, # E3S-DS30E42, NNB, WARRANTY
Toshiba 130G2+ Transistor Inverter, VT130G2+4025, 2.5 kVA, Used, AS-IS
HP Hewlett Packard Voltage Jumper Board, # 02430-60009, Used, Warranty
HP Hewlett Packard Memory Controller Board, # 12103-60004, Used, WARRANTY
Daiwa Dengyo Interlock Plug, NSP-11, Used, WARRANTY
Harwil Liquid level Switch, L-21N/11A/2/B/25, USED, WARRANTY
New Asco Sequential Controller PC Board, # 104-681, 12-24V NNB, WARRANTY
HP Hewlett Packard Lower Processor Board, # 12152-60063, Used, Warranty
NEW IN BOX Patlite Red Rotating Beacon, RKB-24, 24 VDC, NIB, Warranty
Uson Power Supply Module, # 402A302H, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Communication Module, TBX DMS 1625 * * USED * * WARRANTY * *
Pilz Auxiliary Module, PNOZ mc1p, 773700, 24 VDC, Used, Warranty
Electronics For Industry Chopper Drive, Mod# EFI-2430
DGD / Gardner-Denver Tightening Module, TM12, D-73461, USED, WARRANTY
Sigma Instruments Stepper Motor, # 20-4266S72-A120, Used, WARRANTY
NEW Dayco Eastman Hytrom Water/Power Tubing, # 5/8", # B910, WARRANTY
Giddings & Lewis 24 VDC Power Supply, 810-21979-00, USED, WARRANTY
Dytran Instruments Current Source Module, 115V, Mod# 4136 B, Used, WARRANTY
NEW OLD STOCK SMC Plastic Tubing, TU0604BU-100, WARRANTY
NEW OLD STOCK SMC Plastic Tubing, TU0604B-100, WARRANTY
Bodine Electric 1/8 HP Gearmotor, # 42Y4BFPP-E3, Used, WARRANTY
Sansei Seiki Manual Pulse Generator, OSM-01-2(C)F, Used, WARRANTY
Balluff Electronic ID System, BIS C-650 & BIS C-600-007, Used, SW-Version 2.4
NEW OLD STOCK AccuPlace PC Board, 44017b, 2/01, NNB, WARRANTY
20 Thomas & Betts Square Outlet Boxes, 72151 1/2 3/4 E, 4-11/16" x 1-1/2", NIB
Scientific Columbus Exceltronic Volt Transducer, # VT110A2-12, Used, WARRANTY
Sanyo Tape Reader Unit Circuit Board, 2301D, A7-1-20035E, USED, WARRANTY
IAI Servo Motor Cable, CB-XEU-MA050, Used, WARRANTY
Keyence Digital Sensor, LV-52, USED WARRANTY
Omron Limit Switch, 4 Position, Mod # 4VBQ3-1N, Used, WARRANTY
ATAM Systems, ATAM100HG, 100HG, Used, WARRANTY
Reliance Electric Driver Card Board, # 0-51902, WARRANTY
Patlite Tower Lights, KJS-210, 8 Watt, Used, Warranty
GracePort Devicenet Interface, P-B9D4-M3R5, USED, WARRANTY
Hubbell Pin & Sleve Watertight Wall Mount Receptacle, HBL560RS1WR, WARRANTY
Fagor Pulse Generator Handwheel, UFO-01-2D-18, USED, WARRANTY
Miller Welding Power Supply, # KD388684, Used, WARRANTY
NEW OLD STOCK IAI Controller Joint Cable, CB-CON-LB005, NNB
Matsushita / National 100uF, 475007, 200V, 3.63/4.35A, Off Sodick FS-A5C CNC EDM
NEW Dayco Eastman Hytrom Power/Water Tubing, # 5/8", # 987-7-36, WARRANTY
Sew Eurodrive Output Choke HD, HD001, 813 325 5, Used, WARRANTY
Sti MiniSafe Light Curtain, MS4312BX, 42687-0120, Series MS4300, Used, Warranty
New KEYENCE Photoelectric Reflective Fiberoptic, FU-67G, * NIB * WARRANTY *
Real Time Ware Slave Terminal Operating Module, RTW05060602, USED, WARRANTY
Hitachi Seiki Yellow Warning Light, HCLG, 100V, 10W, Used, Warranty
Sprecher + Schuh Contactor, CA7-37C-00, 50 Amp, 600V, USED, WARRANTY
NEW Symbol Technologies Barcode Scanner P304IMG-I000, Warranty
Sumtak / Matsuura Pulse Generator Optcoder, HPZ-10B, USED, WARRANTY
Uson 403-X300H, I/O Module, Used, WARRANTY
VS Circuit Board 45010005, Rev. C, WARRANTY
Toshiba 2HP Tosvert-130G2+ Transistor Inverter, VT130G2+4025, VF3B-0101B, Used
Mitsubishi Meldas PC Board TCUA-01-DWC, BY171A318G54, USED, WARRANTY
NEW Modicon 4 Pin Power Cable, 120-148-25, Rev. A1, 25', WARRANTY
New Siemon Company Stainless Steel Faceplate, CT4-FP-SS, Qty. 30
Mazatrol Cam M-2 Keypad PC Board, # KS-YZ-14B, Used, WARRANTY
Active Chloride Power Protection UPS Active 1000, 9103-5003-0, USED, WARRANTY
Sodick FS-A5C CNC EDM PC Board, Mark VII Controller, EGO-C MDK, Used
Uson Prom Memory Card, # 408-X300B, Used, WARRANTY
Autocon Delta Dynapath DC I/O Interface Board, # 4201755 A, Used, WARRANTY
NEW OLD STOCK Mitsubishi MELSEC, Remote Terminal Input Unit, AJ65SBTB1-16D, NIB
New Unico Handshake, Fiber Optic Interface Adaptor, 103-156, Rev. 4, NIB
Ingersoll Rand Micro Tas Plus Module, # 99388498, S/W 77901-R03, Used, WARRANTY
HP Hewlett Packard 8 CHANNEL PC Board, MUX 12040-69014, Used, WARRANTY
Zeiss Coordinate Measuring Machine Board, # 623130-0086.000, Used, WARRANTY
Sanrex Encapsulation Module, AD400AB160 3E06, Used, WARRANTY
Omron Limit Switch, 3 Position, 3ZB D4-1N, Used, WARRANTY
Omron Limit Switch, 6 Position, 6VBD4-1N, 10A-125, 250VAC, Used, WARRANTY
Euchner 3 Position Limit Switch, # GSBF 03-D12-502 10A, 250V, Used, WARRANTY
NEW Keyence Proximity Switch, ED-118U, NIB, WARRANTY
NEW Convum Pressure Switch, MPS-V2R-GA, 1.8-30 VDC, NIB
Murr Elektronik 8 Way Distribution Box, 27867, USED, WARRANTY
Mae Spa Offenngo Pancake Stepper Motor HY200 3424 0440 AK04, P/N F.U187, Used
Signet Scientific Flow Monitor Sensor, 3-5090, USED, WARRANTY
Sansei 12 V HD52 Manual Pulse Generator, # HD52, USED, WARRANTY
Motorola Memory Systems Module Board, # MMS1102, Used, WARRANTY
Omron 6 Position Multiple Limit Switch, 6VBD4-1F, Used, WARRANTY
Okuma / Sanyo Rectifier Unit E-0451-292-025, USED, WARRANTY
Bandit CNC Interpolator Board, 214-027-01C, Used, WARRANTY
Hohner Rotary Encoder, 10-1223H/500, Used, WARRANTY
Yokogawa Temperature Controller, UT155, USED, WARRANTY
Omron Limit Switch, 6 Position, 6VB-6121 / VB-6121, 10A-125, 250VAC, Used
Static Controls Corporation NAB-4 Converter, Used, Warranty
Mitsubishi Mazak Circuit Board, # BY172B089G52, COSB-01-DWC, WARRANTY
Euchner 3 Position Limit Switch, # SN03D12-502 10A, 250V, Used, WARRANTY
Omron Limit Switch, 2 Position, 2ZBD4-1N, 15A-125, 250VAC, Used, WARRANTY
Eagle Signal HP50A5 Cycl-Flex Timer, 0 to 36sec 120/240 VAC, Used, WARRANTY
Monarch-Courtland Input Board, # E49557, USED, WARRANTY
Bodine Electric 1/15 HP Gearmotor, # 34R4BFCI-Z3, Used, WARRANTY
Nunome 750 VA 1 Phase Industrial Control Transformer, NMTR-117, Used, WARRANTY
Nunome 300 VA 1 Phase Industrial Control Transformer, NMTR-111, Used, WARRANTY
TDK LAMBDA RTW24-13RH Power Supply 24V Switch Mode, Used, WARRANTY
Atlas Copco STYRKORT PC Board, 81N810AB01 Rev:4, 4222-0192-03 Rev:D7, Used
Brad Harrison Multi-Port Interconnect System, DN6100, 600V, 7A, NIB
Indramat Communication Module, RMK12.2-IBS-BKL, Used, Warranty
Control Logic Inc. Power Converter 7602-01,96-140 VAC to 24 VDC, Used, WARRANTY
Uson 386 CPU Card, # 386SX CPU, Used, WARRANTY
DataAcq-EZ, 12559, DT780 STP-EZ, REV L, 14021, USED, WARRANTY
Computer Dynamics Flat Panel Display I/O Board, # MAX-I/O-003, Used, WARRANTY
Vorne Industries Digital Display, 2015C-H-120-CNQ, USED, * * * AS-IS * * *
New Pepperl+Fuchs Proximity Switch Inductive, 088946, Warranty
Mitsubishi CNC Module, # BN624A219H04, FX42A, WARRANTY
NEC M2ORT3XU, LOT NO. 42, M20RT 3XU, Used, Warranty
3 - Keyence PJ-V21R Safety Light Curtain Receiver Extension Units & PJ-V20R
Avtron Speed Meter, # K653, USED, WARRANTY
Monarch-Cortland RC Board, E49937, USED, WARRANTY
Fisher & Paykel Base Unit 50W PSU, 6 Option, 4 I/O Slots, 30716, Used, WARRANTY
Leadwell MCV-OP 1.1 KVA Control Transformer, 200-550 / 100-200 V Sec. Used
Powertran 2.25 KVA 1 Ph Transformer, 2250-TRK-3, 460/115-18.5 V, Used, WARRANTY
Kearney & Trecker I/O PC Board, # 1-20640, WARRANTY
Crouse Hinds Receptacle Plug w/ Mounting Bracket, AR641, Used, Warranty
Mazak Mitsubishi PC Board, # BN624A236H05, FX01B, Rev. J, USED, WARRANTY
NEW Namco Proximity Switch, # EE210-11344, WARRANTY
- 1768-L431768-L43
- MC-4/11/10/400
- 5X00321G01
- ICS Triplex T3510
- ICS Triplex T3310
- ICS Triplex T3401
- ICS Triplex T3120
- ICS Triplex T8314
- 1785-L40E
- 6181P-15TPXP
- VPM-8100X-001-P
- 622A12TAE
- 627DX01MCC9B
- N08001-4057-000
- 4S015-096 NK-C303-40
- ProSoft MVI69-MCM
- 美國AB1756-RIO
- 美國AB1769-L31
- AB模塊1746-BTM
- ABB YPQ-112AYPQ-112A
- 1785-BEM
- AB模塊1757-SRM
- AB模塊1769-ECR
- AB模塊1769-OB16P
- AB模塊1769-SDN
- AB模塊1756-IF16
- AB模塊1756-DNB
- AB模塊1756-CNB
- AB模塊1756-L62
- AB模塊1756-L61
- AB模塊1756-IB16/A
- AB模塊1756-L55M22
- AB模塊1756-CNBR
- AB模塊1756-ENBT
- AB模塊1756-HSC
- AB模塊1756-OF8