



廈門仲鑫航自動化設備有限公司>>AB羅克韋爾>> 1785-L40E


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  • 廈門仲鑫航自動化設備有限公司
  • 2018-05-29 03:33:53
  • 蘭州市
  • 美國
  • 1575



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廈門仲鑫航  大量現(xiàn)貨   當天打款發(fā)貨  7天內包退換

歡迎詢價/采購: (歐陽英)

ITCC。高速旋轉設備的控制,如汽輪機組控制,空壓機控制,高爐鼓風機控制。甚至渦輪發(fā)動機控制,燃氣輪機控制是另外的概念。例如Triconex的控制器,除了能做 ESD,F(xiàn)&GS 外,還能做 ITCC。  做ESD,F(xiàn)&GS 等 SIS概念下的系統(tǒng),是要認證的,是必須有TUV的SIL等級證書的。 而做ITCC的,則不是必需要,TUV的認證。   同一家的同一個東西,用在不同的場合,有不同的用途,所以有不同的叫法。  同樣的道理,你的銀子極其的多,你可以用 Triconex的系統(tǒng)來做PLC,或者小DCS 來用。 這時候,你還可以管 triconex  叫PLC,或者DCS,,,都可以的。  CCC是做 ITCC,不做ESD;  橫河,Emerson的安全系統(tǒng)則基本上只做ESD,F(xiàn)&GS,不做ITCC。  Triconex是即做ESD,又做ITCC。  SIS safety instrument system 安全儀表控制系統(tǒng)   ESD Emergency shutdown 在石化一般叫ESD。在高壓管線上叫HIPPS,在鍋爐上叫FSSS,在汽機上叫ETS。

Xiamen Zhong Xinhang automation equipment Co., Ltd.


: (備注“歐陽英"收)



Monarch Cortland RD Board, E61169, Refurbished,  Warranty

Parker Compumotor 800W Regulator, Z-SHUNT-800W, Used, WARRANTY

Fidia M2 Control Board, DCB1, ATB1.2, USED, WARRANTY

Cognex In-Sight 2000 Controller, P/N 800-5714-1, Rev E, Used,  WARRANTY

2 Door Metro Fabricating (Hoffman) Electrical Cabinet, 69"71"Hx17-3/4"D, Used

Marelco Power Systems Transformer 18169SE, 15 KVA, Used,  WARRANTY

Sodick FS-A5C CNC EDM PC Board, Mark VII Controller, MDR-001B, Used

Sodick FS-A5C CNC EDM PC Board, Mark VII Controller, DCM-001A, DCM-001A-1, Used

Roland Electronic D-7538 Double Sheet Detector Keltern-2, DE21, Used, WARRANTY

Amada Relay PC Board, B6115B-RTDMB-00 0, Used, WARRANTY

Amada Metrecs Power Supply Unit, PU-005, USED, WARRANTY

Mazak VQC20/40 13" Monitor, C-3470NS, 100V, Used, Warranty

KW 24V Industrial Battery Charger, Mod 12-975F3B, 230/460 VAC. 3 Ph, Used

KW 24V Industrial Battery Charger, Mod# 12-975F3B, 230/460 VAC. 3 Ph, (2) Used

Okuma OPUS 5000 Main Board, # E4809-045-035-B, Used, WARRANTY

Sick 14-FGS Light Curtain Sender Unit, # FGSS 900-111, 900mm, Used, WARRANTY

Danfoss 4.8 KVA, P/N 195N1064 VLT 2800 Drive, 380-480V 6.1A, Used, WARRANTY

Mitsubishi Power Supply PD19A, Off of w/ Meldas-310M Controller, Used, Warranty

Modicon PC Board DNP II Axis Logic Board, # 100-0166, Used, WARRANTY

Parker Compumotor Absolute Encoder Drive, # 72-008142-01, Used, WARRANTY

Texas Instruments Power Supply, PM 550-210, Used, WARRANTY

Boston Digital Control Panel Board, # PCB 11D521, Revision E, Used,  WARRANTY

NEW OLD STOCK Omron Interace Module, CJ1W-B7A04, NIB, WARRANTY

Matsuura MC760V-DC Control Panel, EN4-00486A, Used, WARRANTY

Sick Light Curtain Scanner, # LVU 706-2221,  Used,  Warranty

Bayer Industries Acroloc Board Assy, # 115-670-3, Used, WARRANTY

Nikon Rotary Encoder, RFA1024-22-1, Used, WARRANTY

Tempustech Master Board Chassis Unit, # 00016- , Used, WARRANTY 

Zeiss Coordinate Measuring Machine Board, # 608093-9106, 1073.351, WARRANTY

Danaher H4501 Series DC Motor Control, USED, WARRANTY

Zeiss Coordinate Measuring Machine Board, # 608093-9008, 1073.355, WARRANTY

Zeiss Coordinate Measuring Machine Board, # 608093-9106, 1073.352, WARRANTY

Ziatech, ZT 88CT73, Industrial I/O Board, Rev. 0.1,  Used, Warranty

Uson 486 CPU Card, # 486A300D, Used, WARRANTY

Microtrak Series 9500 Control Amplifier, # 875-620-00, WARRANTY

Monarch-Cortland I/O Indexer Board, E61157, USED, WARRANTY

XYCOM High-Performance Analog Input Module, XVME-566, P/N 70566-001, Used

Etamic PC Circuit Board, # E430714-2/4, WARRANTY

Unico Controller / Control Module, L300-909, Used,  WARRANTY

Unitrol Electronics Pressure Trans. Multiplexer Board, 9280TR-2, 9180-SPT, USED

Hitachi # MACC-MATIC CNC Vertical Mill PC Board, Relay 68E3.140740, Used  

NEW El Hagiwara Rom Ram Memory PC Circuit Board, # C-8335-1110D,  WARRANTY

NEW Chromalox Immersion Heater, 32", 480V, 3 Ph, 4 kW, MTO-304 / MT0-304

NEW CGI, Inc. Gear Reducer, 034PNX0030-XX-05720, 3:1,  WARRANTY

NEW Watlow Screw Plug Immersion Heater, 40", 480V, 3 Ph, BHN740E5W-24

CMC Randtronics Servo Board, # 800D05473 A, Used,  WARRANTY

NEW Omron Remote Terminal, DRT1-ID04CL, 24VDC, WARRANTY

SSD Eurotherm AC Drive, w/ Boards 047423, 047833, NOT SURE HOW BIG UNIT IS 

NEW Vexta Stepper Motor and Drive, # UMK268A,  WARRANTY

Toyoda / Toyopuc PC2J-CPU / THC-2764  Controller Module, Used, WARRANTY

Denso CPU Board, # 487040-0360,  WARRANTY 

Uryu Pneumatic Nut Runner, UX-700S, Used

NEW El Hagiwara I/O Circuit Board, DIO4480, C-8335-1610C,  WARRANTY

E-Lux PCB Assembly w/ Display, # 0452-36, Used, WARRANTY

FEC AFC 1500 Spindle Driver, SAN-24IIM, 200-220V, Used, Warranty

K & T / Gemini D I/O Distribution Board, # 810-21743-00, Used, Warranty

Heidenhain Encoder, ROD 426 E 2500, Id Nr 244 563 34, Used, WARRANTY

Keyence Amplifier for IL Series Analog Sensors, IL-1050, 2010, Used, WARRANTY

GE Fanuc Operator Panel, 44C741056-G01R07, W/ 44A730220-001 R01/1 Used, Warranty

Reliance Electric PC Relay Card Board, # 0-54374, WARRANTY

Dayton 2N939-E AC Motor 10 HP, 1740 RPM, 230/460 VAC, 1 1/8" Shaft, WARRANTY

Bridgeport UFP Board, # 2931509, Used,  WARRANTY

2 Door Electrical Enclosure, 45" L x 41" H x 14-1/2" D, Very Good, (See Pics) 

NEW CKD Corporation Rodless Pneumatic Slide, SRL3-Q-LB-25B-600, Warranty

Michigan Controls Electrical Enclosure Cabinet, 89"X84"X15" Used, WARRANTY

Rex Manufacturing 10 KVA 3 Ph Transformer, BC10BP, Prim 208V to 480 Sec, Used 

Samsomatic Main Control PCB Board,  # PWA 27-1028, USED, WARRANTY

WTC / Welding Technology Corp. Weld Control, # WT01-T10A, USED, WARRANTY

Boston Digital Control Panel Board, # PCB 11D521, Revision C, Used,  WARRANTY

Mitsubishi / Leadwell GX06 SW2, Rev. L Board BN624A386H02, Used, WARRANTY

Opto 22 Snap Ultimate I/O Unit, SNAP-UP1-ADS, WARRANTY

Kuroda Pulse Encoder, # PC-1024CZ-WFY, Used, WARRANTY

Unitrol Weld Control 9280V8-2 Multi-Valve Driver Board, USED, WARRANTY

Pertron Display/Processor Board, 1400214, Rev C, 1400213, Rev D, Used, WARRANTY

36" Dolan Jenner Safescan SS7B-351MDOT Safety Light Curtain Bar, Used, WARRANTY


Parker Yokogawa DD Servo Actuator, SR1015B6, Suffix -4SN, Used, WARRANTY

Bandit CNC Main Logic PC Board, 214 031 02M, Used, WARRANTY

Burton Variable Frequency Inverter VC-150, USED, WARRANTY

Kearney Trecker Feedback Subsystem, # 1-20662-01, Revision 13, WARRANTY

 Edwards Signaling Adaptatone, 5531M-24Y6, USED, WARRANTY

Giddings & Lewis Centurion AC Servo Motor, # SSM320,  401-34226-01, WARRANTY

BBC Type# AV6201 Regulator PC Circuit Board, K&T 1-22148, Used, Warranty

STI Minisafe 4600 Series Transmitter, MS46-30-1045-X, 42 1/2", USED, WARRANTY

Hitachi Seiki PC Board, Seicos Controller, # TL-M-1, Used, WARRANTY

Hitachi Seiki PC Board, Seicos Controller, # TL-E-1, Used, WARRANTY

Sodick FS-A5C CNC EDM PC Board, Mark VII Controller, M56-01-1, Used

Sodick FS-A5C CNC EDM PC Board, Mark VII Controller, ATM-001B, Used

Sodick FS-A5C CNC EDM PC Board, Mark VII Controller, PMLATCH-E, Used

K & T / Gemini D CPU Control Assy Board, # 1-20604, Used, WARRANTY

Mitsubishi CNC Module, # BN624A367H0, WARRANTY

Yaskawa Power Supply, # JZNC-TU29, Used, WARRANTY

Sodick FS-A5C CNC EDM PC Board, P.MOS-001E  WKH, Mark VII Controller, Used

Nemic-Lambda Power Supply Off Amada Machine, ZS120P-24, 1095051, USED, WARRANTY

Balluff Encoder Unit, BRGE1-WSE12 00-P-L-K-02, Off Daewoo Puma 12S, Used 

Giddings & Lewis Centurion AC Servo Motor, Mod# SSM320R, P/N 401-34226-12, Used

NEW STI 23" MiniSafe Receiver MS4400 Series MS4420R, WARRANTY

SPS Tech / Pacific Scientic Servo Amplifier SA602-001-01, Used, Warranty

K & T / Gemini D Rack & Control Motherboard, # 1-21978, Used, Warranty

Mitsubishi / Leadwell GX 02B, Rev. D Board BN624A419H01, Used, WARRANTY

GE Fanuc CNC Express Monitor Panel, XA02B-0120-CE51 #16M, Used, Warranty

Okuma OPUS 5000 Main Card 2 Board E4809-045-037-E, Used, Warranty 

Kearney & Trecker Feedback Subsystem, # 1-20662-02, Revision 13, WARRANTY

Seco Circuit Card Board, # PWMC4A, WARRANTY

Habor Precise Heat Pipe Heat Exchanger, Model # HPC-35A, Used, WARRANTY

ATAM 4000 Controller, PC Board, Transisent Supressor, Used, WARRANTY

Computer Products Inc. Control PC Board, 140-0110-000H, Used,  WARRANTY

NR & D Protocol Converter, CAT2-BT, RS-422/485, RS-232, Used, Warranty

DataMyte Fan Factory Area Network Component # 862-04-EN, Used, WARRANTY

Unitrol Electronics Multi-SCR Firing Board, 9280F-2, USED, WARRANTY 

MEZ 4.6 kW AC Motor, Off of Tree 425 VMC,  9821100-0010-0018, Used, WARRANTY 

K & T / Gemini D Rack & Control Motherboard, 1-21980 01, Used, Warranty

Zeiss Coordinate Measuring Machine Board, # 608481-3103, Used, WARRANTY

Spectrum Illumination 6 Linear Light, LL16-850, USED, WARRANTY

Ingersoll Rand N+1 Module, # 99340465, 99340473, S/W 89994R02, Used, WARRANTY

Computer Products Inc. Analog / Digital Board, 140-0351-000H, Used,  WARRANTY

Computer Products Inc. Control PC Board, 140-0265-000E, Used,  WARRANTY

TW Ransburg Metering System Control Board Unit w/ Box, # ECU9030, Used, WARRANTY

General Numeric AC Servo Motor, # 1 HU5044-0AF02-Z, Used,  WARRANTY

Zeiss Coordinate Measuring Machine Board, # 608093-9102, 1073.349, WARRANTY

Load Controls, Inc. Control Load Compensator, # XCR-1830V R1 R2, Used, WARRANTY

New Seek Engineering Panel Display, SPD-803, WARRANTY

Charmilles Roboform 20 Ball Screw & Nut Assembly for X & Y Axis, USED

Sipco 100:1 Planetary Gear Reducer, # P105T100-15ST-B1S1-XX-S-00, USED, WARRANTY

NEW Photoelectric Sensor, FS-L51, NIB, WARRANTY


Vetra Controller Unit, EMP2001, EMP2000, Used, WARRANTY

Murakami Denki 8 KVA Transformer, # M1AS-8, 1 Phase, Used,  WARRANTY

Paneltec Operator Keypad, Slim Unit, # PHMKB, Mfg'd: 2009, Used, WARRANTY

Micropoint Corp. PC Control Board, ECS-REMOTE P/N 17-0003, ASSY 81-0022-0001

STI Minisafe MS4400B, Controller, # MS4436B, Part # 42619-09, WARRANTY

Ingersoll Rand N+1 Module, # 99340465, 99340473, S/W 89994R00, Used, WARRANTY

Ingersoll Rand N+1 Module, # 99340465, 99340473, S/W 89994R01, Used, WARRANTY

Mitsubishi Mazak Circuit Board, # BY172B086G54, MDRV-03-DWC, WARRANTY

Hitachi Mod# MACC-MATIC CNC Vertical Mill IO-Check Board,  68E3121873, Used  

NEW Sandvik Zobotronics Stepper Servo Motor, # AC-SM1003-086/0,  WARRANTY

Schaffner Line Filter Module, FS5106-16-07, 3x480VAC, 50/60 Hz, Used, WARRANTY

DF Control Power Supply Circuit Board, # 6403 30 000600 00, Used,  WARRANTY 

Omron CJ1W-V600C11 CJ1WV600C11 ID Sensor Unit, Used, WARRANTY

Pinnacle Microguard Control Box, DR-48-0F1-AU-DC, USED, WARRANTY

Yokogawa Torque Motor TM-H6A3PB1NR076 w/ Yokogawa 6RH-D9 Gearhead, Used

NetuRen IDC Detector PC Board, # AB3622, Used, WARRANTY


Nachi / Daihen PC Board, UM211D, Off of Nachi AX Robot Controller Used, WARRANTY

Jung Elektrogeratebau 234402 Gmbh 234 402 Rittal, USED, WARRANTY

Sanyo Denki Co. Pick Up Unit, RT-5XC-11, BKO-NC.6062, Used,  WARRANTY

NEW OLD STOCK AccuPlace Control Board, 43993F, 43994, 03/05, NNB, WARRANTY

Cognex In-Sight 2000 Controller, P/N 800-5714-1, Rev D, Used,  WARRANTY

NEW Lincoln 1 HP TEFC AC Motor, Type# CCN6G1UUC64, w/ Reuland Brake, 460 V 

NEW OLD STOCK Keyence Handheld Programmer for BL Series, BL-P2E, NIB 

Hitachi Seiki Control PC Board, HC MDIS, Used, WARRANTY

Sony Magnetic Sensor Strip, BKO-C1810-H03, PG-9020, Used, WARRANTY

Hitachi Seiki Operator Keypad Unit, M2KBS, 00-12-02 , Used

OKUMA OSP3000 Isolation Circuit Board # E4809-045-010-C, Used, warranty 

Dynapath S20 Peripheral Control Board, # 4200996, Used,  Warranty

Omron CJ1W-V600C12 CJ1WV600C12 ID Sensor Unit, Used, WARRANTY

Mazak Mitsubishi PC Board, BN624A550G52, FX31D, Rev. A, USED, WARRANTY

Variable Frequency Controller, CVFN-5, Used. WARRANTY

Sick Light Curtain Emitter, # FGSE 750-211, 750mm, Used, WARRANTY

Mitsubishi / Leadwell Circuit Board PCB GX04B, Rev E, BN624A468H01 Used WARRANTY

Anilam Servo Amp Board, GA4561-7D-1, S/N 310, Used, Warranty

Graham Danfoss Variable Speed Drive, Type VLT 3504, 175H8854, Used, WARRANTY

Paneltec Operator Keypad, Slim Unit, # PHMKB, 148877a, Used, WARRANTY

Autocon I/O Interface Board, 415-0607-902, Rev B, * * USED * * WARRANTY * *

NEW Stu Phillips PC Board, # K303,   WARRANTY

Kearney & Trecker Analog Interface, # 1-20641-02, WARRANTY

NEW IN BOX Keyence Proximity Switch, ED-118M, NIB, WARRANTY

S R Instruments Torque Cell Amplifier, # M223 A, Used, WARRANTY

NEW OLD STOCK Omron Saftey I/O Terminal, DST1-MD16SL-1, NIB, WARRANTY

1 Door Electrical Enclosure, 55" L x 31-1/2" W x 12-1/2" D, Mfg'd: 2005, Used

Samsomatic DC Power Distribution Board,  # PWA 27-1037, USED, WARRANTY

Superior Electric Slo-Syn Synchronous Stepping Motor, SS221LG3, Used, Warranty

NEW Omron V680-HAM42-DRT, DeviceNet ID Slave Controller, NIB, WARRANTY

NEW Republic Wire 2500' Spool of White Stranded 14 MTW / THHN / THWN-2

Mazak D70UB001832 Power Supply, AC 100V, CN-200, Used, WARRANTY

Showa Electric Transformer, # 10868-2, 4 KVA, Used, WARRANTY

Bandit CNC Main Board w/ Rack, 278 300 00A, Used, WARRANTY

ELI Circuit Board, 1936190, Rev. O, Used, WARRANTY

GE / Acme Electric Corp Power Supply, GE2000 Controller HF-75143, Used, WARRANTY

Kollmorgen Corp / Inland Motor Servo Drive Unit, # TPA 3340, 275V, Used

Kollmorgen Corp / Inland Motor Servo Drive Unit, # TPA 3340-568, 275V, Used

NEW Computer Products Relay Output Card, 021-5232, 021-5232-000B, WARRANTY

Zeiss Coordinate Measuring Machine Board, # 608094-9230, WARRANTY

Ingersoll Rand DC Motor System Servo Drive, # 93972751, WARRANTY

Charmilles Roboform 20 Ball Screw & Nut Assembly for Z Axis, USED

STI Light Curtain Controller, # LCM-140, 70160-1011, Used, WARRANTY

MCC Electronics PC Board for Series 2400 Controller, 2139-8, SMB 1094-1, Used

Horiba Controller Unit, # GVC 100, WARRANTY

Zeiss Coordinate Measuring Machine PC Board, # 608051-9405, Used, WARRANTY

Zeiss Coordinate Measuring Machine PC Board, # 608483-9043, Used, WARRANTY

Ingersoll Rand N+1 Module, # 93912251, 127-00, Used, WARRANTY

NEW Proface 3610006-01 AGP3000H-ADPCOM-01, NNB, WARRANTY

Nippon Denso AC Servo Motor, MFA040LBTNSA, 400W, 3000 RPM, Used, WARRANTY

Nippon Denso AC Servo Motor, MFA050LBTNSB, 3000 RPM, Used, WARRANTY

 Hitachi MACC MATIC CNC Circuit I/O Check Board, 68E2.114505, Used  

Rimrock Corp. Circuit Board, # 11120-108/9, Revision B, WARRANTY

Fidia CNC Control Rack Chassis, # CM019, F1 Copymill, USED, WARRANTY

TB Woods SE1 Micro Drive, 0.5 HP SE1C1S005H01, S-Series, USED, WARRANTY

Sylvania Starter 120V 135A Nema Size 4, # A13U034, Used, Warranty

Bridgeport Textron Run Controller Interface Unit, # A026387, Used, WARRANTY

Mazak PC Board 293II2100II, Fanuc 11M Control SV-20* * USED * * WARRANTY * *

Bosch Drive Board, Type Z15-1-240V, 035883-111, Used, WARRANTY

Bosch Drive Board, Type Z15-1-240V, 034839-1037, 240V, 15A, Used, WARRANTY

Okuma Gomi Choke Coil E-2530-254-007 Transformer, 12A, USED, WARRANTY

Okuma Gomi Choke Coil E-2530-254-008 Transformer, 18A, USED, WARRANTY

Estic Servo Nutrunner Display Unit, ENRZ-DP40E, 24VDC, USED, WARRANTY

Matsuura Control Panel EN4-00469A, Used, WARRRANTY 

Remex Tape Reader Unit, # RRS9000BA1/---/D--/U000, Used, Warranty

NEW Keyence Digital Barcode Reader, BL-1371, NIB, WARRANTY

ESA NSK Servo Driver Unit, # ESA-J1003T23-21, Used, WARRANTY

STI 36" MiniSafe Receiver MS4400 Series MS4432X, USED, WARRANTY

UNIPULSE F340A Digital Indicator, USED, WARRANTY  

Okamoto PC Control Board, A0058B-NS5580C2, Used, WARRANTY

Mitsubishi / Leadwell GX 25A, Rev. G Board BN624A465H02, Used, WARRANTY

NEW Sick Light Curtain Sender, # FGSS 600-211, 600mm NIB

Mitsubishi Meldas 500 PC Rack Unit, FCA520ME, QX041, BN634A451G52, Used

Waldyssa Control Interface, # F.215.I.063, Used, WARRANTY

Mitsubishi Board MC431D, BN634A245G61A, MC431 * * * USED * * * WARRANTY * * *

Acramatic 850 Keyboard Operator Panel, Part# 3-525-0946A, USED, WARRANTY

Tucker Stud Welder Interface Module Board, # B 106B E 100 988, Used, WARRANTY

Mitsubishi / Leadwell GX 07C, Rev. D Board BN624A538H03, Used, WARRANTY

NEW IN BOX!! Keyence Fiber Optic Amplifier FS-L71, NIB WARRANTY

Computer Products Inc. Control PC Board, 140-5391-000C, Used,  WARRANTY

Hoffman A-363008LP Electrical Enclosure, One Door, 36"x30"x8" w/ Disconnect Used

Autocon I/O Interface Board, 415-0607-902, Rev A, 415-0607-002, Rev B, Used

Monarch-Cortland A/D-D/A Input Board, E61029, USED, WARRANTY

Pilz Safety Relay, P4B-3NK, 15 Amp, Used, WARRANTY

Sick Light Curtain Receiver, 43848-0050, MS46-30-1045-R-FN, Used, Warranty

Toyoda Data and Counter Control Unit, # AP-502,  AP501, Used, WARRANTY

IAC Quiet-Duct / Conic-Flow Silencer, # UTMH-5-7.5-24 , Used,  WARRANTY

BalaDyne Corp. IV Active Balancing System, # A03.2230, WARRANTY

Shibaura 8CK3 PC Board H046830 Circuit Board, Used, WARRANTY

Shibaura 8D12 PC Board H072870 Circuit Board, Used, WARRANTY

Shibaura 8D02 PC Board H034264 Circuit Board, Used, WARRANTY

Shibaura 8D04 PC Board H072868 Circuit Board, Used, WARRANTY

Shibaura 8A03 PC Board H072868 Circuit Board, Used, WARRANTY

Shibaura 8MSL PC Board H034204 Circuit Board, Used, WARRANTY

Jones & Lamson DC Input Board, # A-15942, WARRANTY

Swinging Swivel Operator Enclosure Station, 30"x22"x14-3/4"D, VERY NICE

Psytronics Transient Voltage Surge Suppressor, P3803D, 3 Phase, USED, WARRANTY

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在线国产自偷自拍视频-蜜桃a∨噜噜一区二区三区| 天天干天天干2018-91人妻人人澡人爽精品| 韩漫一区二区在线观看-精品国产免费未成女一区二区三区| 日本中文字幕啊啊啊啊-久久精品伊人久久精品伊人| 91精品国产影片一区二区三区-欧美精品久久久精品一区二区| 欧美精品午夜一二三区-a屁视频一区二区三区四区| 日韩毛片在线免费人视频-超碰中文字幕av在线| 欧美aa一级视频播放-久一一区二区三区大香蕉| 国产精品v欧美精品v日韩精品-国产欧美日韩精品区一区二污污污| 欧美aa一级视频播放-久一一区二区三区大香蕉| 三上悠亚免费观看在线-青青草原在线视频观看精品| 午夜日韩精品在线视频-亚洲网老鸭窝男人的天堂| 91麻豆免费在线视频-欧美中文天堂在线观看| 国产免费高清av在线播放-成年人在线播放中文字幕| 一区二区三区女同性恋-熟妇高潮一区二区高清网络视频| 亚洲中文一二三av网-亚洲天堂成人免费在线| 欧美aa一级视频播放-久一一区二区三区大香蕉| 国产高清av免费在线观看-黄片毛片大全一区二区三区| 91大神国内精品免费网站-亚洲免费电影一区二区| 韩漫一区二区在线观看-精品国产免费未成女一区二区三区| 亚洲福利视频免费观看-中文字幕日本不卡一区二区| 黄片一区二区三区在线看-偷拍一区二区在线观看| 亚洲女人黄色录像一区-日韩av电影在线免费看| 中文字幕社区电影成人-欧美精美视频一区二区三区| 亚洲av日韩五月天久热精品-国产日韩欧美一区二区三区群战| 亚洲av综合av一区东京热-黄页免费视频网站在线观看| 一区二区三区日本韩国欧美-日本1区2区3区4区在线观看| 婷婷人妻少妇激情在线-欧美日韩人体艺术一区二区| 欧美日韩国产亚洲免费-肉体粗喘娇吟国产91| 女主播啪啪大秀免费观看-精品99午夜福利影院| 日韩国产一区二区三区在线-精品日韩人妻少妇av| 精品一区二区三区av在线-欧美黑人巨大精品一区二区| 国产在线一区二区三区欧美-久久偷拍精品视频久久| hd在线观看一区二区-免费一区二区三区毛片在线| 亚洲欧美日韩二区三区-国产在线欧美一区日韩二区| 欧美精品国产系列一二三国产真人-在线观看国产午夜视频| 欧美日韩国产综合四区-爆操极品尤物熟妇14p| 人妻互换精品一区二区-夜夜爽一区二区三区视频| 日韩二级视频在线观看-美女扒开奶罩露出奶子的视频网站| 午夜日韩精品在线视频-亚洲网老鸭窝男人的天堂| 日韩亚洲欧美综合在线-成人在线网站在线观看|