The paint exhaust gas is generated on the painting workbench of the workpiece coating. Most of the paint sprayed by the high-pressure air remains on the workpiece,and the other is carried out with the exhaust gas to form the paint mist dust. The dust content is not high, the particle size is small, and mostof them are below 10μm. The paint mist outside the box enters the paint mist purification treatment box under the suction of the fan, and the gas-I iquid
separator separates the gas and water, and separates into the box. Walking, in the process of walking, encounter multi-stage filter plate, the paint mist iscomp letely saturated with the filter plate, the granular dust mist is adsorbed by the filter plate, and the remaining clean exhaust gas is filtered thr oughthe mesh filter, and then enters the activated carbon adsorption purification. Box, activated carbon purification box is the use of high-efficiency adsorp-tion material act ivated carbon adsorption of organic gas has the advantage of strong ability to purify the air. The activated carbon purification tank is
composed of air inlet, activated carbon filter section and outlet section. The organic waste gas enters the tank from the air inlet, and the purified exhaustgas is discharged to the atmosphere under the suction of the fan.