多層網(wǎng)格油漆過濾紙(器) Multilayer Mesh Paint Filter Paper
性能: 1.本公司生產(chǎn)九層折疊式漆霧濾紙,行使氣壓對氣流的影響原理:當噴漆房或者烤漆房的漆霧在氣壓的作用下,流向九層網(wǎng)格過濾紙時候,九層網(wǎng)格濾紙就會受到氣壓的影響,而天真爛漫的被吹開,就像多層濾網(wǎng)阻礙漆霧的流動,從而有用的吸附了空氣中的油漆和粉塵等。是干式噴漆室之*過濾材料,其作用是在噴漆作業(yè)中截獲散飛的漆霧,控制空氣污染。 2.本產(chǎn)品過濾服從較高,防火阻燃,抗靜電,具有阻力損失少,可避免二次污染,替換簡單,工作場地干凈,經(jīng)濟性能好的綜合特點,其性能指標為進口的JISEITAI,KAISHALTD基原形等, 3.本產(chǎn)品適用于手工噴漆,靜電噴涂,高壓無氣噴漆等統(tǒng)統(tǒng)生產(chǎn)器具,適用硝基漆,氨基漆,球氧樹脂漆,丙稀酸樹脂漆,防銹漆,醇酸船用珍愛底漆等多用漆種。 用途:重要應用于家具,動力機械,港口機械,船舶設備,建筑機械,防銹涂裝機械,汽車廠、自行車廠、家電、電子涂裝、涂裝工廠、噴漆房、烤漆房等外觀噴涂行業(yè),為噴漆室末端過濾而設計,進步噴烤漆房內(nèi)的空氣純度。
Performance: The company production of nine layers folding type paint mist filter paper and uses air pressure to air flow affect the principle: when the real painting or paint room, paint mist under the action of atmospheric pressure, nine grid filter time flows, nine layer mesh filter will be subjected to pressure, and let it be blown open, like multilayer filter block paint mist flow, thus effectively adsorbed in the air of the paint and dust. It is a must for dry spray paint, and its function is to spray paint fog and air pollution in spray paint operation.. 2. The products high filtration efficiency, flame retardant, antistatic, has less resistance loss, can avoid secondary pollution, simple replacement, work place clean and comprehensive characteristics of good economic performance, the performance index for the import of JISEITAI, KAISHALTD basic equal, 3. The product is suitable for hand painting, electrostatic spraying, high-pressure airless spraying all production equipment, applicable nitro paint, amino paint, ball oxygen resin paint, acrylic resin paint, antirust paint, alkyd ship protection primer multi paint. Uses: is mainly used in furniture, power machinery, port machinery, marine equipment, construction machinery, anti rust coating machinery, auto factory, bicycle factory, household appliances, electronic coating, paint shop, spray paint room, paint room, coating industry, for terminal filter of spray paint room design, improve the spray paint room air purity.
 產(chǎn)品詳情: Product details: 1:過濾服從較高, 1: High filter efficiency, high holding capacity. 2:阻燃,抗靜電, 2: Inflaming retarding , antistatic 3:具有阻力損失少,可避免二次污染, 3: Loss of resistance is very small, and avoid second pollution 4:替換簡單,工作場地干凈, 4: Renewal is simple, keep spray booth clean 5:經(jīng)濟性能好 5: The economical performance is very good     
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