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ITCC。高速旋轉(zhuǎn)設(shè)備的控制,如汽輪機組控制,空壓機控制,高爐鼓風(fēng)機控制。甚至渦輪發(fā)動機控制,燃氣輪機控制是另外的概念。例如Triconex的控制器,除了能做 ESD,F(xiàn)&GS 外,還能做 ITCC。 做ESD,F(xiàn)&GS 等 SIS概念下的系統(tǒng),是要認證的,是必須有TUV的SIL等級證書的。 而做ITCC的,則不是必需要,TUV的認證。 同一家的同一個東西,用在不同的場合,有不同的用途,所以有不同的叫法。 同樣的道理,你的銀子極其的多,你可以用 Triconex的系統(tǒng)來做PLC,或者小DCS 來用。 這時候,你還可以管 triconex 叫PLC,或者DCS,,,都可以的。 CCC是做 ITCC,不做ESD; 橫河,Emerson的安全系統(tǒng)則基本上只做ESD,F(xiàn)&GS,不做ITCC。 Triconex是即做ESD,又做ITCC。 SIS safety instrument system 安全儀表控制系統(tǒng) ESD Emergency shutdown 在石化一般叫ESD。在高壓管線上叫HIPPS,在鍋爐上叫FSSS,在汽機上叫ETS。
Xiamen Zhong Xinhang automation equipment Co., Ltd.
: (備注“歐陽英"收)
Square D Breaker Switch, Type QO, BS3871, 10 Amp, USED, WARRANTY
Square D Amber Square Pilot Light, 9001 DFSN, Used, Warranty
Square D Key Selector Switch, Class 9001 Type KA-1, Ser. K, Used, Warranty
Square D Fuse Holder, Class 9080 FB1211R, 30 Amp, Used, WARRANTY
Square D Relay 8501-RS4 Ser B with Base, 8501-NR44 WARRANTY
Square D Memory Pack, EQ5300 MEMPACK, 52045-034-50, Series 1
New Square D 8501-RSD14 Relay, Series B, Warranty
Square D Relay w/ Base, # 8501-RS4, Form M1P14, Series B, Used, Warranty
Square D Relay, Class 8501, Type RSD4, Ser B, w/Base, 8501RSD4, Used, Warranty
Square D Circut Breaker Class 9080 Type GCB 50, Series C, Used, WARRANTY
Square D Relay, 8501 KP12P14V20, Ser. D, 120V, W/ Base, 8501 NR51, Used
Square D Key Selector Switch, Class 900,1 Type TA, Used, Warranty
Square D Relay Base, 8501 NR34, 8501NR34, 10 A, 300 V, USED, WARRANTY
Square D Relay, Class 8501, Type RSD4, 24 VDC, W/ BASE, USED, WARRANTY
Square D Pilot Light Push Button, White, 9001 KM1, Ser. H, Used, Warranty
Square D Pilot Light, Red, Class 9001, Type TP21, 9001TP21, Used, Warranty
Square D Pilot Light Module Orange, 9001-KM1 Ser. A, Warranty
Square D Contactor Auxiliary Block, 9999-PW22
Square D Fuse Holder, 98157-3, Used, Warranty
Square D 9001 KA-2, Key Selector Switch, Ser.H, WARRANTY
Square D Key Selector Switch, 9001 KA2, Ser.G, Used, Warranty
Square D Capacitor PRC 220 CLASS 9999, USED, WARRANTY
Square D Relay 8501-RS4, 120V, with Base, Used, Warranty
Square D Key Selector Switch, 9001 Type KA-1,Ser. G, No Key, Used, Warranty
Square D Control Relay Starter, 8501 X040, Series A, 8501 XL, Ser. B, WARRANTY
Square D 8501-RSD14P14V53 Relay, w/ Base NR45, Used, WARRANTY
Square D Illum. Push Button, 9001 Type # KM-1, 9001KM1, Ser. F, White
Square D Pilot Light Push Button, Orange, 9001 KM1, Ser. H, Used, Warranty
Square D 8501-RSD14, Relay, w/ Base NR45, USED, WARRANTY
Square D Sy/Max Output Module, COM-221, Class 8030, USED, WARRANTY
Square D Sy/Max Input Module, DIM-101, Class 8030, Ser A., USED, WARRANTY
Square D Control Relay 8501 G0-40, Ser. D, USED, Warranty
Square D Overload Relay Thermal Unit, B3.30, NNB
Square D Circuit Breaker, 6 Amp, Type QO-X, Used, WARRANTY
Square D Control Relay Starter, 8501 X040, Series A, USED, WARRANTY
Square D Fuse Holder, Class 9080, FB2611R, USED, WARRANTY
Square D Green Push Button, 9001 KA2, Ser. K, Used, Warranty
Square D 9001-KA-2, Push Button, Black Ser. B, Used, Warranty
Square D Black Push Button, 9001 KA1, Ser. K, Used, WARRANTY
Square D Overload Relay Heater Element, B3.30, Used, Warranty
Square D Overload Relay Heater Element, B2.40, Used, Warranty
Square D Overload Relay Heater Element, B7.70, Used, Warranty
Square D Relay 8501KPD12V53, Series D, 24VDC DPDTw/ Base, Warranty
Square D 8501-RSD14, Relay, w/ Base emecanique SL715, Used, WARRANTY
Square D Relay 8501-RS4, Ser B, Used, Warranty
Square D Relay 8501-KPD12V53, 24VDC Ser E, 240VAC, w/Base, WARRANTY
Square D Fuse Holder, PF-1, Class 9080 PF1, Series B, USED, WARRANTY
Square D Relay 8501-RSD14M1P14V53, Ser. B, 8501 NR45 Base, Used, WARRANTY
Square D QOU Circuit Breaker, 15 Amp, 1 Pole, USED, WARRANTY
Square D Relay Base 8501 NR52 10A ,300V, Used, WARRANTY
Square D Fuse Block 9080 FB221-1R, FB2211R, Used, WARRANTY
Square D Relay, 8501 KP12P14V20, Ser. D, 120V, Used, Warranty
Square D Class 8501, Type KP 12, 120 V Relay, Series D, Used, WARRANTY
Square D Relay 8501 KUD13V51, Series C, 12VDC, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique TBX7 Communication Module, TBXLEP030, Used, Warranty
Schneider Automation Processor Module, # TSXP47415, V:5.6, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Programmable Controller TSX17, TSX1702028, 110-240 VAC 24 VDC
emecanique Modicon 8 Channel Output Module, # TBX ESP 08C22, Used, Warranty
emecanique Reversing Contactor, # LC1 FF 43, LC2FF43, Used, Warranty
New emecanique Photoelectric Sensor, # XUB-A0400KS, Warranty
New emecanique Photoelectric Sensor, # XUB-A045214KS, Warranty
AEG Schneider Modicon Micro CPU, 110 CPU 311 00, Used, WARRANTY
AEG Schneider Modicon Micro CPU, 110 CPU 311 00, P/N 043506698, 01.12, Used
AEG Schneider Modicon Micro CPU, 110 CPU 311 00, P/N 043506698, 01.11, Used
emecanique 4 Switch Joysticks w/Contacts, XC1ZP2, Used, Warranty
New emecanique Control Relay, LC1D326BD, 24V DC, Not in Box, Warranty
emecanique Fusible Disconnect Switch, DK1-HC19, 160A, 500V, Used, Warranty
emecanique AC Magnetic Contactor, # LC1F1504, 115-120V Coil, Used, Warranty
emecanique 10 Slot PLC Std Rack W/ Fan Unit, # TSXRKN82F, WARRANTY
NEW emecanique Photoelectric Sensor, # XUB-A045214K, WARRANTY
emecanique Joy Stick Switch, ZB2-BE-101, Used, Warranty
emecanique Safety Relay, Type# XPS-AV, Ref# XPSAV11113, Used, Warranty
NEW emecanique 110/120 V Coil, # LX1 FJ110, WARRANTY
emecanique Contactor, LP1 D65 11, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Reversing Contactor, # LC2D0911, LC2 D0911, WARRANTY
emecanique Induc Sensor, # XGS-Z24, WARRANTY
emecanique Updatable Badge, # XGS-B6262010, Used, Warranty
emecanique Safety Interlock Switch w/Lock, # XCK-J...H7, USED, WARRANTY
emecanique Protection Module, LB1-LD03M61, Warranty
emecanique / Schneider Fipway PCMCIA Module, # TSXMPM100, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Contactor CAD32BL, CAD32 BL, CAD32-BL, Used, WARRANTY
NEW emecanique Osiswitch Limit Switch XCMD2102M12, WARRANTY
NEW emecanique, XUB-A085215, Photoelectric Sensor, WARRANTY
emecanique Contactor, # LP4 D2500 BD3 Series, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Safety Relay, GSKA24VACDC, GSKA / Ser. B, Used, WARRANTY
NEW IN BOX! emecanique / Scneider Manual Starter, GV2 ME07, NIB, WARRANTY
emecanique Reversing Contactor, # LP5 D1210, WARRANTY
NEW emecanique Inductive Sensor W/ Cable, XS1M08MA230K, OLD STOCK, Warranty
emecanique Motor Starter Enclosure, # 1L9931, Used, WARRANTY
NEW emecanique Inductive Sensor, XS2M18MA230, NNB, OLD STOCK Warranty
emecanique Safety Limit Switch, XCS-A713, 3 Amp, USED, WARRANTY
emecanique Contactor, # LC1-D129.A65, LC1D129A65, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Contactor LC1 D12 BL, LC1-D12-BL, LC1D12BL,Used, Warranty
NEW emecanique, XUB-A085215S, Photoelectric Sensor, WARRANTY
emecanique Contactor, LP1 D253, LP1D253, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique/Schneider, Motor Circuit Breaker, GV2-RS14 C, WARRANTY
emecanique Contactor LP1 D1201, LP1D1201, LP-D1201, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Charger, XGS-Z03, 115 VAC Input, 2 Prong Output, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique/Schneider, Motor Circuit Breaker, GV2-RS08, WARRANTY
emecanique Magnetic Contactor, # LC1 F115, 110 V Coil, Used, WARRANTY
New emecanique Plastic Fibre Optic Light Guide, XUF N01321, WARRANTY
emecanique Integral Starter Overload, LB1-LD03M53, Warranty
emecanique Contactor, # LP1 D25004, 24V Coil, Used, WARRANTY
STI Safety Interlock Switch, T4011, USED, WARRANTY
emecanique Inductive Sensor, XS1M08MA230K, Used, Warranty
Hoffman Interlock Switch, A-EK230NDH, 240/220 VAC, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Relay, CA2-FT 111, CA2-FT- CA2-FR, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Contactor, LP2 D259, LP2D259, 24V Coil, USED, WARRANTY
emecanique Contactor, CA4 DN 2222, 24 V Coil, USED, WARRANTY
emecanique Overload Relay, # LR-D09 310, USED, Warranty
emecanique Contactor, LC1 D2501, 110V Coil, USED, WARRANTY
emecanique / Schneider ASI Interface, # 67FFP40A, IDC 4I V1 Compatible, WARRA
emecanique/Schneider, Motor Circuit Breaker, GV2-RS05, WARRANTY
NEW emecanique Red Beacon Strobe Light, XVAL341, WARRANTY
New emecanique Contactor, LP1 D1810, LP1D1810, Not in Box, Warranty
emecanique Manual Motor Starter, # GK2-CF08, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Manual Motor Starter, # LD1 LB030, LB1-LB03P04, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Osiswitch / Limit switch, # ZCMD41L1, Used, Warranty
emecanique AC Contactor LC1D096, 110V Coil, 25A, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Overload Relay, # LR3D 056, LR3D056, 0.63-1.0 A Range, Used
emecanique/Schneider, Motor Circuit Breaker, GV2-RS10, WARRANTY
emecanique Proximity Switch, XS2M12MA230K, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Proximity Sensor Switch, XS2M12MA230KH4, Used, Warranty
2 - emecanique Interface Modules, # ABE-6SD25F, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Off Delay Relay, LA3-D22, LA3-D22 A 65, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique GK 1-EK Off Load Isolator, 3 Pole, USED, WARRANTY
emecanique Contactor, LP4 D1210, BD Series, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Osiswitch / Limit switch, # XCM, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique VW3A9202 NEMA Type 1 Conduit Termin, Kit
emecanique Relay, CA2-FN 240, 24V Coil, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Manual Motor Starter, # LD1 LB030, LB1-LB03P07, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Manual Motor Starter, # LD1 LB030, LB1-LB03P06, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Push Button Light Module, ZBV-B1S, Used, Warranty
emecanique Compact Station, XGS-K6204321, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Overload Relay, # LR-D09 308, USED, Warranty
Schneider Fipway PCMCIA Board, # TSXFPP20, V: 1.40, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Contactor, LP1 D1801, LP1D1801, USED, WARRANTY
emecanique Contactor, LC1-D258, LC1D258A65, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Contactor CAD50BL, CAD50 BL, CAD50-BL, USED, WARRANTY
emecanique LP1K09004BD, LP1-K09004-BD, Contactor, 24V Coil, Used, Warranty
emecanique Contactor, LP1 D2510, LP1D2510, 24V Coil, USED, WARRANTY
emecanique Contactor, # LP4 D1210, BD3 Series, Used, Warranty
emecanique 24 VDC Voltage Converter Module, # LA1 LB080BD, WARRANTY
emecanique Motor Circuit Breaker, GV1-M22, 20-25A Range, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Overload Relay, # LR2 D1303, Overload Adapter, LA7-D1064, Used
emecanique Circut Breaker, GB2-CD09, GB2 CD09, 4 Amp, USED, WARRANTY
emecanique CA2-DN1319 A65 Relay, 22E, 24V Coil, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique/Schneider, Motor Circuit Breaker, GV2-RS20, WARRANTY
emecanique Control Relay, # CA3KN40BD3, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Contactor LP1 D32 10, LP1-D32-10, LP1D3210, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Trip Device. LA1-LD080BD, WARRANTY
emecanique LR1-D09306 Overload Relay, 1.0-1.6A Range, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique LR1-D09301 Overload Relay, 0.10-0.16A Range, Used, WARRANTY
New emecanique Plastic Fibre Optic Light Guide, XUF N12301
emecanique Inegral Starter Overload, # LD1 LB03P06, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Contactor, CA4 DN 40, 24 V Coil, USED, WARRANTY
emecanique Overload Relay, # LR2 D13, 5.5 - 8 A, W/ Base #LA7-D1064, Used
emecanique Contactor, # LC1 D25004, LC1D25004, Used, WARRANTY
New emecanique Bulbs, DL1CE024, 10 in Box, Warranty
emecanique Circuit Protector, GB2-CB05, 0,5A, USED, WARRANTY
emecanique Contact Blocks w/Selector Switch, # ZB2-BE1016, Used, Warranty
emecanique Motor Starter Overload, LB1 LB03P05, 0.63 - 1 A, Used, Warranty
Klockner Moeller Overload Relay Adapter Base, # EZ 00, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Motor Circiut Breaker, GV2-P20, 13 - 18A, USED, WARRANTY
emecanique GK 1-EK Off Load Isolator, 2 Pole, USED, WARRANTY
emecanique, Motor Circuit Breaker, GV1-M20, USED, WARRANTY
emecanique Time Delay Contact Block, LA2 DT4, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Limit switch w/ Latch, # XCK-J....H7, USED, WARRANTY
emecanique Limit switch w/ Latch, # XCK-J, USED, WARRANTY
emecanique Contact LA1 DZ40, USED, WARRANTY
emecanique/Schneider, Motor Circuit Breaker, GV2-RS16 C, WARRANTY
emecanique Motor Circuit Breaker, GV1-M14, 6-10A, Used, WARRANTY
Key Lock Power On/Off Momentary Key Switch, 60947-5-1
emecanique Red Illuminated Push Button, # Z..-BW03., Used, WARRANTY
Hoffman Interlock Switch, A-EK115NDH, 115 VAC, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique 6 Amp Circut Breaker, # GB2-CD12, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Limit switch body w/ Solenoid, # XCK-J, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Overload Relay, LR1-D13, 0.40-0.63 A Range, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Motor Circuit Breaker, GV1-M03, 0,25-0,40A Range, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Contactor, LP1 D09 01, LP1D0901, Used, Warranty
emecanique 1 Amp Circuit Breaker, # GB2-CD08, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Magnetic Contactor, # LC1 D09 BD, 24 V Coil, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Tripping Device, LA1-LC071B, WARRANTY
emecanique Overload Relay, # LR2K0304, Warranty
emecanique, XUL-H043539D, Photoelectric Sensor, USED, WARRANTY
emecanique Auxiliary Contact, # GV2-AD0110, WARRANTY
emecanique Control Relay, # CAD50BD, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Overload Relay, # LR2 D1310, 4-6 A, w/Base # LA7-D1064, Used
emecanique Green Push Button, XB2-A, USED, WARRANTY
emecanique Green Push Button, XB2-A, USED, WARRANTY
emecanique Relay, CA2-DN22, 120V Coil, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Motor Circuit Breaker, GV1-M07, 1,6-2,5 A Range, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique LP1K 0610BD, Contactor, Used, Warranty
emecanique Magnetic Contactor, # LC1 D09 10, 110 V Coil, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Overload Relay, # LR2 D1306, Overload Adapter, LA7-D1064, USED
emecanique Motor Circiut Breaker, GV2-P10, 4 - 6.3A, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Green Illuminated Push Button, Z..-BV3, Warranty
emecanique Red Illum. Push Button, Z..-BV3, Warranty
Fuji Electric Overload Relay Adapter Base, # SZ-HB, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique 10 Amp Circuit Breaker, # GB2-CD16, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Contactor Bus Bar, GV2-G445, WARRANTY
emecanique Control Relay, # CA3 DN 40, 24V Coil, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Contactor, LP1 D1210, LP1D1210, 24 V Coil, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique/Square D Thermal Overload Relay, LR2K0312, WARRANTY
emecanique Contactor, # LP1D0910, 24V Coil, USED, WARRANTY
emecanique Control Relay, # CA2 DN40, CA2DN40, 120 V Coil, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Contactor, LP1 D0910, LP1D0910, Used, Sub-Panel Mount, Warranty
emecanique Auxiliary Contact, LADN31, LA DN31, Used, Warranty
emecanique Overload Relay, # LR-D09 306, USED, Warranty
emecanique Contactor Relay, # CA3 DN31, CA3DN31, Used, WARRANTY
New emecanique Screw Set, W81 4581280111, Warranty
emecanique Overload Relay, # LR2 D1306, 1.0-1.6A Range, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Green Mushroom Cap Push Button, ZB2-BE102, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Terminal Block, # GV1-G09, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique LA1 D22, Auxiliary Contact, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique LA1 D40, Auxiliary Contact, USED, WARRANTY
emecanique Mounting Bracket, # GK2 AF01, USED, WARRANTY
emecanique Current Limiter, GV1-L3, 63A, 660V, USED, WARRANTY
emecanique LA1 D22D, Auxiliary. Contact, WARRANTY
emecanique Auxiliary Contact, # LA1DN40, LADN40, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Auxiliary Contact, LADN13, LA1 DN13, USED WARRANTY
emecanique Interface Module, # ABE-6SD25F, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique, Motor Circuit Breaker, GV1-M04, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Contactor Connector, w/Base Connector, LA9-D09970, Used, Warranty
emecanique 3 Amp Circuit Breaker, # GB2-CB08, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Stack Light, XVA-LC3, Orange, Used, Warranty
emecanique Surge Coil Suppressor Module, LA4 DE 2E, WARRANTY
emecanique Coil Suppressor Module, # LA4 DA 1G, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Coil Suppressor Module, LA4 DA 1U, LA4DA1U, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Contactor, # CA3 DN22, 24 VDC Coil, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Coil Suppressor Module, # LA4 DE 1E, 24-48 V, Used, WARRANTY
GE Auxiliary Contact Block, BRLL20, USED, WARRANTY
emecanique Auxiliary Contact, LA 8 DN 20, LA8DN20, LA-8-DN-20, * WARRANTY *
emecanique Key Selector Switch, # ZB2-BE101, Used, Warranty
emecanique Green Illuminated Push Button, # Z..-BW06., Used, Warranty
emecanique Orange Illuminated Momentary Button, # Z..-BW06., Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Red Illuminated Flush Mount Button, # Z..-BW06., Used, Warranty
emecanique White Illuminated Momentary Button, # Z..-BW06., Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Red Illuminated Momentary Button, # Z..-BW06., Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Coil Suppressor Module, # LA4 DE 1G, 50-127 V, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Suppressor, RHZ-32, WARRANTY
emecanique Surge Coil Suppressor Module, # LA4 DE 1U, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Coil Suppressor Module, # LA4 DC 1U, 24-250V, Used, WARRANTY
2 - emecanique Contact Block, LA1 DN 31, Used, Warranty
NEW emecanique Selector Switch Head, # ZB2-BD2, WARRANTY
New emecanique Illuminated Red Push Button Head, # ZB2-BW34, Warranty
emecanique Black Push Button, # ZB2-BE101, 9524, Used, Warranty
emecanique Contact Block, LN1-DN11, Used, Warranty
emecanique Square D, Relay Block, GV2AF3, WARRANTY
emecanique CA2-DN1229 Relay, 31E, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique CA2-DN1229 A65 Relay, 22E, 24V Coil, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Red Illuminted Momentary Button, # Z..-BV6, Used, Warranty
emecanique LA4KC1B Diode Suppressor Module, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Suppressor, LA9-D09 980, WARRANTY
New emecanique Black Push Button Head, # ZB2-BA2, Warranty
emecanique Black Push Button, # ZB2-BE101, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Yellow Push Button, ZBE-101, Warranty
emecanique Green Illumuminted Momentary Button, # Z..-BV6, WARRANTY
emecanique Auxiliary Contact, # LA1DN22, LADN22, Used, WARRANTY
NEW emecanique Stack Light Tube, XVA-C02, 100mm, WARRANTY
emecanique Contact Block ,w/ Mounting Base, # ZB2-BE102, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Auxiliary Contact, LA8 DN11, Used, WARRANTY
emecanique Contact, # ZBE-102, Used, WARRANTY
- IC697BEM713
- IC697ALG320
- DS3800DMPK1E1D
- IC693CPU374-FM
- GEIC693PBM200
- GE模塊/IC693ALG223
- PLC模塊DPW02
- GE模塊IC639CMM321-JJ
- GE模塊/IC693PWR330H