The hi gh-eff iciency water extraction is induced by the exhaust air, and the air exhaust
system and the water I ifting system are combined to form a water less system without a pump,
that is, the entire water punp circulating water supply system is omitted, the structure is
simplif ied, and the f loor space isreduced. after achieving the pumpless water supply cyc I em,
it overcomes the fatel def-ects of the existing pump water supply system b lockage and redu-ces the ma intenance work load. The purification efficiency is improved by the air containing
the paint mist, the water curtain, the water curtain, and the strong mixing and agitation of .
the water mist in the gas passage toform a multi-stage pur ification process. the paint mist
tr eatment agent is added to the water to destroy the adhesion of the paint mist, and the
agg I omerates sink into the bottom of the tank tofacil itate cleaning and ensure venti lat ion.
easy to instal l, no specia I foundation is required.
This device can be used with the yelesccpic moving front chamber or the f ixed front chamberfor better paint mist treatment.