Welding fume purifiers and welding fume purifiers are light and efficient dust collectors designed for the processing ofsoot,dust and oil mist during welding operations in mechanical processing plants, auto assembly plants, ma i ntenanceplants and related industr ies. Welding, pol ishing, and dust and dust generated dur ing chemica | product ion; operators
working in high concentrations of soot, dust, and oil mist for a long time, inhal ing excessive amounts of toxic substances,caus ing headache, nausea, asthma, and chronic Symptoms such as bronchitis, which ser iously affects health, also affectnorma | product ion.
It is widely used in var ious welding, pol ishing, cutting, gr inding and other processes to produce soot and dust purif ica-tion, as well as the recovery of rare metals, valuable materials, etc., which are suitable for dust removal and di spersethe amount of smoke and dust.