概述:(Brief Introduction)
The BXJ/C Serial Explosion-proof wire Connection Box is desiqned and produced in accordance with some items of GB3836.1-83 and GB1366-77. The cerrificale explosion-prood has gained from national explosion-proof inspection test department,It's widely used in the field od oil, chemistry anf pharmacy,where there is Q-1 explosive mixture.Cerificate:No GYB99110
工作條件:(Worling Conditions)
a:海拔高度不超過1000米 a:Less than 1000m above sea level
b:周圍環(huán)境溫度: b:Surroundind tempeature:
c:空氣相對濕度不大于95%(在25 時) c:Relative humidity less than 95%(at +25 )
d:For the area of Q-1 or Q-2 explosive gas mixture
結構和性能:(Structure and function)
a:The cover body is made of aluminium alloy with smooth painting.The esplosion separation face is very anticorrosive after oxisation treatment.
b:The mouth or wire-conneeting box is sealed with tightened rubber and there are ground screw inside and outside box for security.
c:The box can be used for both cable and steel pipe