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the agilent 8751a network analyzer is a high-throughput instrument with lab precision that covers 5 hz to 500 mhz. the agilent 8751a provides resolution of 0.001 hz, 0.001 db, 0.001°, and 10 ps for characterizing the linear behavior of either passive or active networks, devices, or components in the lab and the production test areas. the built-in 1.44 mb disk drive is for direct save/recall of instrument state, calibration data, and application programs for your customization. dedicated 50/75 ω s-parameter test sets, 50/75 ω t/r test kits, and the 1 mω input adaptors are all available.
5 hz to 500 mhz ±0.02 db, ±0.12° dynamic accuracy 0.001 hz, 0.001 db, 0.001°, 10 ps resolution full 2-port and interpolative calibration conjugate matching analysis 10 s of 201 sweep points per second 0.4 ms/point fast list sweep (ifbw = 4 khz) up to 4 traces simultaneous measurement/display eight active trace markers per channel instrument basic for customization list sweep for efficient measurement